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Thank You Card by Minnie&Lou


Bright and modern Thank you card printed from an original watercolour & ink creation, hand painted by Jacinta Payne, for Minnie&Lou.

"Thank You!!” is hand lettered against a pink and yellow watercolour wash background.

Professionally printed on 100% recycled card stock with an easy to write on satin finish. The card is blank inside for your own personal message.

Dimensions and other...

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Bright and modern Thank you card printed from an original watercolour & ink creation, hand painted by Jacinta Payne, for Minnie&Lou.

"Thank You!!” is hand lettered against a pink and yellow watercolour wash background.

Professionally printed on 100% recycled card stock with an easy to write on satin finish. The card is blank inside for your own personal message.

Dimensions and other details:

Square folded card (14 x 14cm) with thick white high quality FSC Certified 30% Recycled envelope (15 x 15cm)
Packaged in a 100% degradable cellophane sleeve and a sturdy mailer

Thank you for visiting, and have a wonderful day!
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