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Adopt A Koala

Our Aussie icons are losing their homes & their lives

URGENT: Bushfires are raging through critical koala habitat and as many as 350 koalas have already perished. Many others will have been left homeless and likely suffering from smoke inhalation or burns. Right now, they urgently need help and once the fires clear, we'll need to restore what has been been lost.

Even without these fires, trees...

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Our Aussie icons are losing their homes & their lives

URGENT: Bushfires are raging through critical koala habitat and as many as 350 koalas have already perished. Many others will have been left homeless and likely suffering from smoke inhalation or burns. Right now, they urgently need help and once the fires clear, we'll need to restore what has been been lost.

Even without these fires, trees are being bulldozed at an unprecedented rate. Across Queensland's Koala Coast, the tree-clearing has become so severe that over 80% of koalas have now been lost. Throughout eastern NSW, koalas are casualties of some of the highest tree-clearing rates in the world. Populations have declined by a staggering 42% over 20 years alone and the koala is at serious risk of becoming extinct in both NSW and Queensland.

Nationally, we've already lost 95% of our koalas. We must act to protect them now, or they could disappear in a matter of decades.

Adopt today, and we'll take you on a journey to learn more about koalas through our regular updates - exclusive only to our monthly adopters. We'll also keep you up to date on how your monthly gifts are helping to secure a brighter future for koalas.

Your gift could help plant new trees for koalas to live in and care for sick and injured koalas, as well as support efforts to urge our governments to stop excessive tree-clearing, protecting wildlife for the long-term.

Looking for a unique & meaningful gift?

A koala adoption makes the perfect gift for an animal lover. The special adoption gift pack includes a cuddly koala plush toy, koala fact book, adoption certificate, tote bag, Living Planet magazine, and WWF sticker. You can choose for the gift pack to be sent directly to your gift recipient, or you can choose to receive it to give to them yourself.
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